Artistic director The idea of creating the Foundation arose as a logical extension of my creative path when I celebrated the 20th anniversary of my debut on stage. For this amazing path, I am grateful to my teachers: Milyausha Murtazina, Irina Arkhipova, Elena Obraztsova, and Valery Gergiev, who generously shared their experiences and guided me. In any artist career, there comes a moment when you want to share your knowledge with the next generation. My task today is to support and unite young talented singers from all over the world and create a platform for them in Russia. Russian operatic voices have been leading on the world cultural stage for many years. At the same time, the process of staff drain in opera art continues. Therefore, it is significant to create conditions for the development and growth of young talented artists here in Russia. The activities of my Foundation and the Festival head this long-term goal. President The initiative to create the Foundation was born out of the need for systematic and targeted support of young talents. Discovering new voices, supporting performers on their first steps, creating conditions for their further professional growth - that is how we see our mission. So one of our priorities is the educational program and the opportunity to unite famous artists and young voices in one musical space. That is why, without exaggeration, we can say the Foundation and the Ildar Abdrazakov International Music Festival have their niche in Russia. Despite the great interest in the project, we always remember that working with an artist is not a conveyor belt. Each application has a unique young talent, which means that an individual approach is needed. Today it is safe to say that it is bringing results. Great to see how our work can help someone perform at prestigious venues, get a contract with an agency, or an invitation. For many young performers, this becomes a good start and a guarantee of their successful professional future. And we will always support them along the way.